Written Tribute
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![]() These are by far the best awards,
I could have asked for....
For these, I'm truly honored!
My sincere thanks
![]() 2003
You have the most incredible site I have encountered in ages, if ever! You are terrific at this and very creative, indeed! I am wonderfully impressed and have bookmarked your site so I can finish my tour later on. I loved and enjoyed your site, and strive to improve my own skills with my websites so that I may actually impress you one day! Good for you! I think I will apply for your award after all; however, I am going to come back and have an other look. Well, anyway, I am thoroughly impressed and would love to tell my friends to check out a genuine site!.To the whole world you may be one person. To one person you may be the whole world! Here's more power to you and May the Good Lord's love be with you always with a smile, in happyness and health. Take great care of yourself! What wonderful talent! Sincerely, Felix
Thank you! Felix
![]() 2003
Me, envy you Trina
Dear Trina -T Zac,
I really do not know what exact ,
To name you in fact,
To your such act,
With what bones you are made ?
With what blood you are made ?
With what brain you are made ?
Leave all those,
My word though are vague , but I shall enforce,
Fearlessly, boldly -Of course,
By all mean and utmost force,
Me dares to ask you ,
As I am free to my view ,
I least care if you hit or bang me,
No matter if you sue and hang me,
With what flesh you are made?
With what cell you are made ?
With what heart you are made ?
I envy you Trina...... ,
How nice you are ?
How well you are ?
How broad you are ?
How generous you are ?,
How humble you are? ,
How selfless you are ?,
For this fruitless world
For this grumble world ,
For this selfish world ,
I envy you Trina ........,
How... generous you are ?
For this... fruitless world ,
How ...humble you are ?
For this... grumble world ,
How ...selfless you are ?
For this... selfish world ,
I envy you Trina......,
With what... flesh you are made?
I live ...less , good you are ?.. live long , never fade,
With what... cell you are made ?
How... well you are ? myself hate,
With what... heart you are made ?
How... broad you are ? myself feel sad, un glad,
So I envy you , by god
Really by brain , not by heart,
When both quarrel-n-debate,
The later love you and the former hate,
Finally both surrenders to love You,
To kiss your forehead , my thanks always due,
No option left but by emails,
Close to you , My heart lust to hug surf-n-sails
To one , or few counted like you ,
With bouquets I shall ever stand in world queue,
For you ,
I shall sequence many or few,
With sincere -n-sober intentions,
With respect-n-regard affections
A Indian poet who love people like you ,
Counted souls of universe stands in few,
Just by chance , I visited your Poetry Junction,
I saw myself was still breathing in function ,
My poems glowing and blinking in luminous light ,
On your esteemed remarkable beautiful website,
When I view,
I never miss to kiss your feet & salute you,
' Honor ' , I should do ?
' Envy' , I shouldn't do?
The fact is ,
When I see,
I really envy ,
Thinking, bothering - un free,
How are you so nice ? In this cunning world ?
How are you so wise ? In this world of rolled gold ?
Where human are all galvanized , selfishly plated-n-cover,
They, falsely thriver in bloodily river, without fear-n-shiver,
Behaving selfish , blending-n-gelling themselves,
Flowing with self thrusted law , torturing-torchering other soothing selves ,
Where incarnates BusHitler & Blairopolean ,
Merciless slaughtering innocent with bombs & weapons
Bathing themselves in bloodily hatred -hurting,
Un necessary un peacefully grudging -n-fighting,
Blowing , shattering as helpless birds features,
Infants- children - young and olds, lost -splits-ungathers,
Butcher murders innocent,
To earn oil , name , fame , dollars-n-cents,
Innocent , who all were silently living peacefully just like us,
Without fooling , fingering or having any sort of fuss ,
Among them , in this world renowned bloodily Bush hells ,
How genuine -authentic- original people like you dwells ?
Bowing -bending to their ever known, cruel - political -diplomatic styles,
How godly people like you can live with them for a while,
Adjusting with people like us too who lust for fame-n-winny,
Seer poet people like you acting helpy -generous - funny ,
Not charging or changing ' poets' fools like me on your web,
Who test to raise their voice reflecting from your poetry lab,
However, I recently saw my website images on your website ,
What tedious pain you have taken to put me on your site ,
I was thrilled to see my images of book on your site,
Reflecting on your Poetry Junction blinking blue-n-bright,
Thankyou , Thankyou , I can only say you again-n-again,
No other good words are coming in my brain,
Meanwhile, Time & again,
All my words are sounding vein in vein,
Flowing from heartily artery blood vessels,
From where every of my nerve-n-cells dwells,
They all say thankyou , thankyou , again-n-again,
May you remain ever seer , appearing ever sane,
With blessing and love to you and your beloved,
May ' Time' bestow you excellent jubilant life ,onward,
All well clean showered,
All well assured -n-insured well covered ,
With heartily regards,
God may give you good best deserved rewards,
Let your name get fame,
Let He lend you a reputed name,
I shall pray to every God ,
His -Her - My and Your Lord,
Who all live in his region?
Who all make , differs to form a different religion?
The Gods of all blurred-n-brilliant,
The God of cruel-n-lenient,
The Gods of nice-no-wise ,
The God who sleeps more , lately wakes-n- rise,
The Gods of dump-n-deaf,
The God of Self,
May shower you with all rewards,
Oh !, different human God,
You are one,
But people fraud,
Dear all different earthly Lords,
You all without blood-n-flesh Gods,
Though I envy Trina T Zac ,
But may God - be...You , He or She , must pls. bless YOU infect,
And pls. do not mind if I have versed wrong word or versed on you,
Forgive people like me, they have different thoughts and view,
While, people like me dwell in this world like weed un-wantingly -few,
Pluck them , and you see , un-needingly , they grow again , re-new..........
Hard nuts to crack,
People like me are born such fools - as full cracks,
But never crook ,
To hook or book ,
Cheat grudge or murder,
Though my brain is disorder,
But never so cruel to give order,
To massively kill-n-murder,
Innocent people like helpless he & she,
Blaze to fire , while Bush-n-Blair glee
Proudly- egoist , behaving mightier then Gods,
Where are they cowardly hiding now , all Frauds ?
Your - His - her - My, every other gods ,
Are they so tiny un- visible , microscopic lords,
I hate to place them in bold-capital first letter initial,
Sheee......they are bit ....not at all now crucial,
I least care them ,
Who do not care them,
Such people of Iraq ,
Today their ghost roam-n-walk,
Handicap , worn, all scattered blown-n-thrown ,
While Bush & Blair giggle-n-glee to their privileged throne-n-crown,
Weeping , wandering thirsty , hungry ,
Sleepless shocked , without shadow of tree ,
In heaty lonely smoky thundering blowing deserts,
While, Bush-n- Blair for funs luxury enjoys, sleep-meals-desserts ,
Uncaring the outcome of deserts,
Cunning -cruel - devil-terrorist hearts,
Made a good US UK parts,
People there who are certainly caring-n-humble,
Undert BusHitler & Blairopolean law tumble,
On street they shout fight and grumble,
For sparing people for peace,
But the devil terrorist do not cease,
While the worse leaders ever found,
Shooting thousand of bullet-missile in every round,
Bursting bombs like Christmas crackers,
World crazy cruel invaders-n- hackers ,
Tyrant- Terror-Horror rulers,
Senseless , stupid , foolers,
Poet like me are helpless eunuch you see,
Weak to fight in bush with Bush you see,
Myself daily time & again cry-n-weeps you see ,
Iraq war makes me mourn-n-curse God-n- Bush totally free,
Do they both stand free to glee?
Do they both giggle-watch-n-see?
I cry for them free,
Without giggle or glee,
Innocent People of Iraq without water , electricity shadow of tree,
Without freedom , They are blasted-n-blown so free?
I still wonder in my sense ,
Am I alone eunuch in this universe?
To helplessly spect - watch and see ,
Or even God is also exactly - just like me ?
Your insane ,
Thank you! Naresh
![]() 2002
Through the web spun of countless sites
Spijder meandered aimless, pausing here
in appreciation of the unique delights
and penned this poem to make it clear
Thank you! Spijder
![]() 2001
Thank you! JOSPEH
![]() 2000
Trina hears a soul in poetic voice and Seek to give it place. Thus, words are free to soothe a Soul in God's amazing grace.
We will never know the depth of her trials, Nor the fountain from whence they flow. Yet, we can be assured in our heart, A place for the poets to go.
Thank you! Joyce Rogers